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handmade. la conner

Lip Balm - Sweary - Greyhound

Lip Balm - Sweary - Greyhound

Regular price $ 1,008.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $ 1,008.00 USD
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Our superb lip balm, but in a tube and with swears! Cocktail inspired scents with a twist -- the front and back of the label contains swears. You've been warned! 

Front of label reads: use before sucking face.

Back of label reads: Slather it on, and pucker up!

This little tube balm is made with only the most natural ingredients and pure essential oils to help keep your lips smooth and moisturized. These balms are .15 ounces and packaged in a white plastic tube with a snap top. 

Ingredients: Beeswax, Coconut Oil, Castor Oil, Lanolin Butter, Shea Butter, Jojoba, Vitamin E, Pure Essential Oils. 

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